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November 11, 2010


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I really enjoyed this! thanks for sharing. I think "tempting" is the perfect word.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.Yes.Yes.YES.YES!

Sally Megan

I think were a lot of relationships (read: my previous relationships) fall apart is where the point at which the change from guzzling cheap cask wine to preferring an more refined vintage occurs and you're still expecting to guzzle similar quantities, and don't notice that the quality has increased significantly.

Cheers to you, anonymous, lets drink a decent bottle of Dom in your honour!

Lady-like Pervert

Bravo! FANTASTIC post!
The natural evolution of a sex life... so beautifully put.
Thanks for taking me down memory lane.

the super sistah

The writing in this post was like a kiss--short, sweet and satisfying.

Good job,
the super sistah

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