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October 26, 2010


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I laughed out loud at work about the boys' JUNK. And I'm devising a plan to kill my husbad with death by bacon. Thank you for the idea.


We went apple picking a couple of weeks ago. Came back with 29.5 pounds of apples. On Sunday I made apple sauce in the slow cooker, apple cinnamon muffins and apple cheddar pizza. The last one, NHL took a bit of and proclaimed "This is the best pizza you've ever made!"

Of course, if I eat any more apples I'm going to turn into one. Only about 14 more pounds of apples to go...

Serena Dante

I laughed so hard at some of these! And which Texas blogging conference were you at, out of curiosity?

Alexandra the Tsaritsa

There's nothing like homemade apple pie from Mom! Yummy :) And I love the "talk to the hand" but with a talking fist. I'm going to try that next time!


SO FUNNY! Thanks for the laugh. Makes me want to start my top ten for the week. "Mommy how big is a himopotamous?" would be in there somewhere.


Mmmmm bacon


One thing that made me laugh yesterday: I was cooking supper while trying to supervise my 3yo decorating (not carving) a pumpkin. I always drain my ground hamburger meat when it's finished. Yesterday, I forgot to put the strainer in between the pan and the trash. Yep, I poured all my meat into the trash. Good times.

Lindsay Dianne

thanks for sharing these, they definitely made me laugh too.
I love your dinnertime routine, that sounds great!

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