30 weeks. If I were pregnant I'd be pretty freaking miserable right now.
I'm off to Texas this morning to visit a friend in Austin that I met in Boston. She's amazing in a million different ways and I totally miss her. She has a fabulous life in Austin with a great husband and a beautiful daughter and a powerful job and I'm happy she's found happiness but I still miss her.
But not tonight baby, not tonight!
There's a distinct possibility that I'll be wearing Cowboy boots when I get home. I thought it was only fair to warn you. We had considered going to LaZonaRosa cafe because of my infatuation with the Little Texas song "Amy's Back In Austin" but the lead singer of tonight's featured band was wearing a ball gag (doesn't that make it hard to sing?) and tomorrow's band sings about 'the death and decay of the human body' so we may just get BBQ instead. Yum.
There were some hilarious comments this week: THANK YOU.
Here they are...
On the post, The Crazy in My Head, the Lottery Edition:
I would just give it all to Tessa.
signed, Fred Miller
Kit: Is this the most romantic thing you've ever heard?
My husband plays that $2k a week for life thing and has it mapped out to the last penny. Which is cute since we'd spend it all on a house and buckets of glitter, damnit.
signed Ellie Lou
Kit: Glitter. FAB-U-LOUS
We play the lotto every now and then but not regularly. If we ever won, we would pay for a week-long Disney World vacation for all of our friends and family.
signed, Techydad
Kit: Hello FRIEND.
On the post, Writing Assignment: the First step is the hardest:
As he stumbled across the hall, he was amazed at his lack of grace. Jack knew he was a novice at this whole “ghost” thing, but the movies had given him the impression that he would have a bit more flow. Perhaps this would come with time – right now, he was struggling to remember why he had chosen to haunt Anna anyway. Crap.
signed, Tanniah
Kit: OMG, Hilarious and PERFECT for Halloween!
On the post, Devoir: A-:
snort. I'm reminded of a line from "Must Love Dogs" (remember that movie?): you can love your pets, just don't loooove your pets.
signed, Andygirl
Kit: At least don't love any pets with CLAWS.
Oh man... I needed this laugh. Of all the days to get bullied online, someone picked this day for me. Isn't today supposed to be a day to stand up against people like that? Whatever... I'm not going to indulge them.
Thank you for your blog in general. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! (If your analytics are crazy, it's because I think I left your site up for a full day and a half and came back to read it every time I got a spare minute. I might have even had it open longer!)
signed, Nell
Kit: Sometimes I need these types of comments as much as you need the laugh. Thank YOU.
On the post, I was so EFFING CLOSE!:
My son used to stand outside my daughter's bedroom door. He just stood there. He didn't make a scary face, or crouch menacingly, or anything that might be construed as scary. Nope -- he just stood there. And every single time he did it, when she came out of her room she saw him, screamed, and burst into tears. Funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.
signed, Liz in Virginia
Kit: This is totally me. If I think someone is going to scare me and then they walk into the room totally normally I still jump and scream. I hate being scared. The only thing I hate more than being scared is being tickled.
Bwahahahahahahaha!! Poor babies. That is funny. I don't like to me scared. One time I was taking a shower and my 7 yo was laying in my bed watching TV. She had been running back and forth to talk to me. The last five minutes or so she had been quiet. It was heaven! I turned the water off, opened the shower curtain to grab my towel and there she was. My cute little 7 year old daughter just standing there staring at me. I screamed so loud my 12 yo son came running to my rescue. She thought it was hilarious.
signed, Chantel
Kit: Fuck! You mean they're going to start scaring ME! I may have miscalculated.
On the post, AAA:
I've been in need of emergency assistance. For months.
signed, alonewithcats
Kit: It's inexcusable that you dont have an assortment of vibrators. Now I know what to get you for Christmas Channukah.
As always thank you EVERYONE who took the time to comment. Have a great weekend!
This is going to make me look like a GIGANTIC nerd, but the insane person inside of me feels the need to mention it.
Andygirl mentioned the loving dogs line and that it was from "Must Love Dogs". It's actually from "The Truth About Cats and Dogs".
Please don't hate me, Andygirl. Feel free to hate my neuroses.
Posted by: Jessalee | October 22, 2010 at 12:44 PM