I want to start by saying a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who have been so supportive of my job search over the past few weeks. I'd gotten to the point where I felt like my family and friends were sick of hearing about it but you were all so fantastic that you kept asking how it was going even when I was sick of hearing MYSELF talk about it.
I should get some good news today (hopefully.) This makes me happy for two reasons: the first, obviously is that the long search will be behind me. The second is that my company has just announced that it will be laying off 20% of my office (5 out of 25.) If I can volunteer to be one of them it will save a job for someone else.
Traveling to Texas this week exhausted me. Between soccer and football, travel, and illness we haven't been able to sleep in on the weekends in over a month and it's taking it's toll. My husband and I are both exhausted. I've had a headache for 3 days. But it's a 3 day weekend and soccer is cancelled, football isn't until 2, no one is sick (knock on wood) and we have NO plans - except #wineparty and sleeping. Doesn't that sound like HEAVEN?
Without further ado...
On the post, Writing Assignment: The Interview Edition:
Good luck today, you'll rock that interview!!
my most embarrassing moment ... it was the summer that I turned 13, so I was already in that omg everything is weird teenage phase ... I went with my mom to the video store ... once we got inside, she went one way, I went the other towards the very back of the store ... I found a movie and decided to run across the store (it was open in the middle with all the shelves along the walls) to show my mom ... she could hear me running, said later it sounded like a herd of cows (thanks mom) and looked out from behind the shelf she was viewing ... just as she popped her head out I tripped over my flip flop and went flying ... now THAT sounded like a herd of cows crashing into a fence ... the movie went sliding across the floor ... I got up and walked out of the store ... my mom was standing there laughing her ass off ... I went and sat on the bumper of the truck waiting for her and hiding from whoever was in the video store during my crash landing ... every time I think about that moment I still get all flustered
if my life were made into a hollywood movie, I'd like Emma Stone (as she was in the House Bunny movie, post makeover kicking Shelly out) to play me ... the geek with the inner hottie trying to find my way ;o)
signed, getcha
Kit: My most embarassing moment came in 6th grade library. I had hit puberty and thought I was so STRONG. I challenged the most popular boy in my class to an arm wrestling contest. (I may have had a HUGE crush on him.) We arm wrestled. He won but I was trying so hard that when he finally pushed my arm down on the table I farted. Out Loud. In 6th grade. He laughed hysterically. When he caught his breath he told EVERYONE. I've never had another arm wrestling contest.
Can you also please check out thiscomment? It was hilarious but too long to repost.
On the post, The Crazy In My Head: The Husband Edition:
Aw. May the only electrical sounding buzz you hear be Carmen and each other.
Happy Anniversary!
signed, Shannon.
Kit: AMEN.
On the post, Is that an Armadillo in Your Pocket?:
Amarillo is a bad place for tires. I had my share of vehicular misfortune there when the entire driver's side front wheel flew off my truck. It was Thanksgiving weekend. We were stuck in Amarillo for days. It snowed, and I was all, "WTF?! Snow in Texas?"
signed, Buzzvibe
Kit: A friend of mine in college was from Amarillo. It's nowhere near as nice as he said. At least not the truckstop off of I40.
On the post, Sex Homework A-:
I didn't designate a word, but every time I cook supper my husband makes sure to grope and grind. He says my hands are full so I can't stop him!
signed, Tracy
Kit: Mine says the same thing. And then when I grope him back he says, "You don't do that enough."
On the post, Reunion Sex:
Nothing like a little distance that makes the heart go pitter patter... A MAN can never resist a woman that is hot for him..Wa hoo! Good for U!
signed, One Cluttered Brain
Kit: It's true isn't it? If a woman is feeling hot and horny it doesn't matter if the man has recently lost a limb, he's in. I love that. I hate taking no for an answer. ;)
Thanks again for the tremendous support this week. See you next week. I'll be the well rested one!
If you have a chance to join #wineparty tonight (9pm eastern) on Twitter I'll be the exhausted drunk girl (hopefully) celebrating her new job!
Love your humor and hope you got the job? What type of work do you do? I live in Dallas actually.
Posted by: Dede | October 10, 2010 at 08:33 PM