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September 24, 2010


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see, this post is one of my favorites, every week. 'Course, pretty much every post is one of my favorites . . . but still. I love the recap!

Mrs. MidAtlantic

Reading the comments - with your responses! - is seriously the bees' knees of my week. It just adds to the hilarity of your posts!


Add another vote to "Love 'Dangerous Letters' posts" camp. Seriously. They're awesome.


I had sex with these comments. There's a 5er on the dresser for cab fare

Fred Miller

I'm glad you cleared that up in the first sentence about how you suck. That picture of Bernadette Peters in your sidebar always makes my glands jump.

I do like the comment re-cap.

Cassie Lopez

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the recap...I don't always have time to go back and read the comments once I've read your post for the day so seeing the ones you post is great. Plus, your responses? Awesome!


I love the comments recap! super fun!


I do like the comment recap.

On the note of warming KY, absolutely not! That shit burns! Regular KY though, is a godsend!

Maija @ Maija's Mommy Moments

One more vote for comment recap. Love it! Especially your responses.


Okay, I love the comment recap. Just my opinion.

And I'm just catching up on you today, and I used the same playgirl/playgay joke in a tweet yesterday. If you saw it, I hope you didn't think I was trying to steal, I just read this today! I guess great minds think alike?

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