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August 05, 2010


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Vanilla North

"Are you a DWAGON?!?"

that was really cool!


hahaha I love the DWAGON and Pity laugh. Your kids are hilarious!


Sounds like you have all the makings of a reality show in that house. God, I love what kids say. I can s pend hours writing and never be that funny.


This post was great and exactly what I needed. Your kids sound like a hoot!


making sushi? I am SO using that as my new go-to answer whenever anyone asks me what I'm doing.

and the PITY laugh? lard how that reminds me of my father. I had to call my dad and read it to him. he laughed hard and then went, HEY.


loved #1, #2 and #3. can't believe you actually did #4 and a gerontologist is a dr for old people, so I would suggest and ear, nose and throat dr (but maybe you knew that and I'm the ones that needs a gerontologist)...


Dwagon one is priceless.


Much as I love all the sex and foolishness? These are my favorite posts from you.

Real life is funny as shit!

Wonder, Friend

"Not hard enough, you weenie!" Dying. So many uses for that phrase. Kids provide the best material.


So hard to choose which is funniest. But your son definitely topped off the funny week with a moon wave :)


Mooned you? oh my! lol


My dh is a SAHD too! Mac, the 4yo can't sing the alphabet, but he can burp it!


I have a 3yo and a mother who smokes. On the 4th of July we went to see fireworks, just us girls. When we got out of the car and settled into our seats on top of the car, my daughter picked up my mom's "pouch" of cigs and said, much like a waitress, "are you ready to but smoke in your mouth now?" (huge smile, high pitch voice, much like a Barker Beauty)


My kids (ages 5 and 4) cracked me up the other day on our way to a luncheon after a funeral. They were in the back seat fighting over who was going to hold the box of cookies we were taking. I finally ended it when I told my oldest that he could hold them in the truck and the little one could carry them inside. Then, a few minutes later the older one just gave the little one the box of cookies to hold in the truck. When the little one asked why he did it, he said "because I don't want to listen to you whine!" The little one responded "you're funny". LOL! Kids are hilarious!

Karyn Climans

I'd love to be a fly on the wall of your house for a day. Funny, funny, funny!

JM Black

We were sitting around the dinner table, trying to make each other laugh. I announced that it was very hard to make Mommy laugh, which my 7-year old son took as a challenge. He make potty jokes and snot jokes but Mommy did not flinch. "Dude," I said, "Mommy doesn't like gross jokes." "But that's all I've got!" he said, which cracked us all up.


My hubby & I cannot stop laughing.. ohmygawsh... this is too funny

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