My son is playing football. He's 8. He has practice 4 nights/week from 5:30 - 7:30. This is right in the middle of dinner. I am on vacation next week and we can't go away because he has practice. We COULD go away but then he would get CREAMED in his first game.
I don't want him to get creamed so I am trying to be as supportive as possible. This means turning my house upside down at dinner time. My house is ALWAYS upside down at dinner time. Turning my normally upside down house, upside down, does not, as you might think, turn it right side up.
People are tired (possibly me.) People are hungry (possibly me.) People are CRANKY (definitely me.)
Most nights I make 3 different meals, an adult meal, a kids meal and a hybrid. But I make them at the same time. Lately I make 3 different meals, TWICE. That's 6 meals for any of you who flunked 2nd grade.
Also, lately I have been stressed about money. Mainly because there are a lot of things that I want that I can't afford. Things like luxury vacations and massages and a CLEANING LADY and a lawn service.
(ASIDE: If this blog ever becomes HUGE and I make more that $0.15/month on ads I will give away massages and cleaning ladies every week. People NEED these things. I NEED these things.)
Anyway, I've been stressed about money so I decided to look for a new job. So now I'm stressed about money AND about getting a new job. And then I realized that I have no clothes for an interview and now I'm stressed about money, getting a new job and shopping. Shopping made me realize that I don't want to spend money (see stressing about money) on clothes that don't look FANTASTIC. And after trying on 75bajillion outfits that totally sucked I took the last outfit off and before I put my clothes on I LOOKED IN THE MIRROR. NAKED.
So now I'm stressed about the last 10 pounds that I never managed to lose after I got pregnant THE FIRST TIME. And I joined Weight Watchers.
So now I'm stressed about money, a job search, shopping for clothes that look fabulous without spending money and H.U.N.G.R.Y.
And you wonder why there haven't been any sex posts lately.
The other night I raced home from work and ran to the grocery store to buy food for the 6 dinners that I had to make. But first I had to go to the football field and meet my husband to pick up the younger three kids.
While I'm standing there at the grocery store in the Check-out line I see, in HUGE letters, VA-JAY-JAYS. And I think. "Huh. I just learned what that word means but APPARENTLY it DOES NOT mean what I thought it meant or it wouldn't be prominently displayed in the grocery store in 72pt font."
So I looked closer and saw "COSMO" on the masthead.
I nodded and read the rest of the cover. I felt dirty. And old. It was pornography. I'd love to read it for tips for myself but I can't have that in my house. What if my kids read it? I don't want my daughters to learn about sex from a magazine, I want them to learn the way I did, in the backseat.
After my initial shock, I looked again to see what was so important about VA-JAY-JAYS that it had to be on the cover of Cosmo in 72pt font.
As if there weren't enough stress in my life, NOW I find out that FULL BUSH is back. (FYI, in the interest of journalistic integrity I tried to go to Cosmo's website to see what the actual cover quote was but the site is BLOCKED by my employer (the BASTARDS) as R-RATED (I told you.))
So now I'm walking around with an UNFASHIONABLY BARE BEAVER (which FUCKING HURT BTW) worried about $$, getting a new job, shopping for clothes that look fabulous without spending money and HUNGRY.
Also, did I mention NO SEX?
It's like a bad Christmas Carol that keeps going over an over.
Except in mine it would be 5 GOL-DEN COCK RINGS.
P.S. I have an interview on Friday. Wish me luck.
P.P.S. Wineparty is tonight. I'll be snorting evaporated grain alcohol. I hope to see you there before my vision goes.
P.P.P.S. NEXT Friday is my Birthday. XXXIX baby. That's like Triple X-Rated but MORE.
P.P.P.P.S. This was supposed to be the weekly wrap up. Oops.
P.P.P.P.P.S. My "to-do" list contains the line "Write post called 'THE CRAZY IN MY HEAD.'" but I think I just did.
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