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August 31, 2010


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Your 3 year old sounds just like our 5 (almost 6) year old.

Happy Birthday, again.


I totally love number 6!


These are all fantastic! And totally makes we want to have lots of babies lol. #4 - oh the excited about doing the dishes... wish it lasted. #6 is definitely my favorite, but #10 warms my heart!


Reading your blog makes me want to have lots and lots of babies! We only have one now (she's only 3 months) and my husband wants 3 more but I'm not convinced just yet. But, seeing how much fun you have with yours makes it sound like a crazy, yet perfect family environment.


All of this made me smile. Though I feel your pain about being tickled all the time as a child. Unfortunately one of my friends still likes to tickle me until I can't breathe.


#6 all the way. Damn.


your kids make me aw.


Your kids are pretty darn sweet!! <3<3<3 kids!! I have 3 of them, but only one is talking just yet!


I don't think the moon is shrinking. It's probably just really cold in space. You know how that goes.

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The best way to be spoiled is with time...if you spoil with stuff, it's probably because you feel bad you're not spending enough time with that person. I was spoiled as a child

with time, even though my parents are very well off and could have easily gone the BMW for the first car route. But they didn't, and it's great!

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For get the Superbowl because, in the words of Saint Snooki:
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