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August 25, 2010


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Cort (Modern Super Momma)

Grandparents keep those curve balls until you least expect them!


You're grandmother sounds awesome! My friends and I would go to gay clubs when we wanted to dance since those clubs usually played the best music, and we didn't have to deal with the meat-market mentality of desperate horny guys hitting on us.

D H-Arza

College is a great time!!! The world opens up and it is an awesome...

Your grandmother is awesome!


How funny! I had a similar experience with my grandparents. They came to take me to dinner right after I moved into my first apartment at college. I had discovered that morning that one of the tenants was a prostitute who worked out of the building. I was horrified! At dinner, I shared my discovery with my grandparents. My grandfather just kept right on eating and my grandmother paused long enough to say "well, it takes all types". That evening, I learned a LOT from their wisdom.


you know, when you tell these awesome college stories, I just picture your avatar on a college student's body. it's very surreal.


When I was a senior at a very conservative Christian college, someone recommended a karaoke bar to me, and a friend and I went on a non-karaoke night to check it out and see if we liked the atmosphere. The waitress brought us our drinks and asked us if we were staying for the show.

You know, the DISNEY-THEMED DRAG SHOW. As my friend said as we left, "I've never had so much fun having my childhood destroyed!"


Good for her. Grandma has something to teach all of us.


I must say I've never met a gay man I did't like.
Plus as proud mama of an openly gay son I can say it with even greater conviction. Side walk sale? I'm so going to use that line. Great story!


I've always leaned towards gay men. Turns out my highschool best friend was gay and just waiting to come out too. I guess I was born a classic faghag. Even drag queens loved me. I never knew they were that anti-female until you mentioned it just now :)

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