It's time for another progressive post. You guys did SUCH a great job with the last one! Here's how it works:. I start a story, you each add a sentence in turn and we see where the story goes. You can take more than one turn but please let at least 5 people go between your turns.
Here goes:
"It was lunchtime in the city and Flora was 5th in line for the ATM machine when the door opened behind her."
Have fun with it.
it was one of Flora ex-lovers that she has seen in 10 years.
Posted by: D H-Arza | July 28, 2010 at 08:06 AM
Seeing him made so many hot memories rush through her mind... she flushed as they made eye contact.
Posted by: KJ | July 28, 2010 at 08:25 AM
She dropped her eyes, and as she did so, she wished she had bothered to put on something nicer than her dirty sweatpants and t-shirt with holes in the armpits.
Posted by: Ashley C. | July 28, 2010 at 08:34 AM
But at least she'd remembered to wear clean undies that morning.
Posted by: Mrs. MidAtlantic | July 28, 2010 at 08:41 AM
"Oh! Hi ..." she says still flushed with the hot memories which rushed through her mind.
Posted by: blackhuff | July 28, 2010 at 09:02 AM
His intoxicating smile and the huskiness of his voice took her back to better times in the past with him.
Posted by: notasoccermom | July 28, 2010 at 10:37 AM
and then she remembered that horrible heartbreaking breakup, it seems her mind remembered it, but her body, flush with desire had forgotten
Posted by: kellie | July 28, 2010 at 12:03 PM
"Well, hello Flora. Have you met my boyfriend, Greg?" He said as they both got out of the car.
Posted by: Jen | July 28, 2010 at 12:35 PM
Flora stifled a gasp as she saw Greg's face - she certainly did know Greg, but the last time she saw him was that steamy, unforgettable night in that Manhattan hotel.
Posted by: Jenn Collins @ Monkey Butt Junction | July 28, 2010 at 01:03 PM
He had been looking for someone to have wild, we'll never see each other again, kind of sex! She was into it, and they spent a fabulous night doing things that she had often replayed in her mind. She also remembered that he was huge and knew how to use it....
Posted by: Wicked | July 28, 2010 at 01:36 PM
As Flora stumbled for a reply, Greg stepped forward "We're getting married!" he practically shouted "and Stephen Hawking is going to preside over the ceremony!"
Posted by: Momma_Dragon | July 28, 2010 at 02:25 PM
Flora blanched. Stephen Hawking had taken out a restraining order on her after their short but torrid affair the summer before.
Posted by: Rebekah @ mom-in-a-million | July 28, 2010 at 02:31 PM
And then she thought of the best way to get back at her ex for ripping out her heart. She was going to ...
Posted by: kim | July 28, 2010 at 03:30 PM
Move on with her life and find her own special guy to settle down with, but not before she had one last crazy, steamy, mind blowing, unforgettable night...the only question was, with who.
Posted by: Angel | July 28, 2010 at 03:46 PM
Her reverie was shattered by the beeps of the ATM ricocheting around the vestibule -- whoever was in line in front of her had left their card in the machine.
Posted by: AlexanderDope | July 28, 2010 at 06:56 PM
She quickly grabbed the card and looked around for its owner. She saw the tall gentleman with a broad, muscular back and incredibly tight buns walking away from her.
Posted by: Anomes | July 28, 2010 at 09:34 PM
"Excuse me, sir" she purred. "I think this belongs to you." He turned and...
Posted by: laurenne | July 28, 2010 at 09:39 PM
fell flat on his face.
Posted by: Not Telling | July 28, 2010 at 10:16 PM
Gently laughing as he got up, he had no idea that there was now a dark, wet stain around his zipper.
Posted by: Tracy | July 28, 2010 at 11:01 PM
Flora forgave him this display of clumsiness, gracefulness never being high up on her list of dating requisites, or at least certainly not as high up as A Big Schlong or A Sedan with Leather Seats.
Posted by: Kate | July 28, 2010 at 11:28 PM
She decided even a wet stain was better than facing the smug gays alone. So she grabbed this handsome stranger's hand, turned back to Greg, and said, 'This is my husband, Rico.' At this, her faux husband...
Posted by: laurenne | July 29, 2010 at 02:52 AM
zipped up his flies, and swiftly extended Greg his hand. "Hi boys, I'm Rico," he said - in a voice that was unnervingly high-pitched.
Posted by: Jo and the Novelist | July 29, 2010 at 05:21 AM
Flora bristled a bit at the sound of "Rico's" voice, but tried to hide it with a plastered smile.
Suddenly, Greg had a revelation.
He knew Rico from somewhere. Was it that bathhouse in San Francisco he used to frequent in his hedonistic younger days? Rico just seemed so very familiar...
Posted by: Shan | July 29, 2010 at 05:45 AM
The pool boy! That's it! Flora was faux-married to the pool boy.
Posted by: Not Telling | July 29, 2010 at 04:03 PM
Greg decided to out Rico right then and there. He told him that he remembered him, knew he was gay, and knew he couldn't possibly be married to our girl, Flora!!! Flora was stunned and then totally 100% pissed off! Who the fuck did this guy think he was trying to embarrass her this way?? He might have been great in bed, but this was something else!!! She decided right then that she would...
Posted by: Wicked | July 30, 2010 at 09:52 AM
prove to those boys it didn't matter which way Rico liked his dessert, he would love what she was dishing up. She pressed her lean, boyish body up behind Rico and began to reach around to take control of this train wreck of a situation. Honestly,she had just come in to deposit her check from her job as...
Posted by: Thecoastalchick | July 30, 2010 at 07:52 PM
a museeum curator, which was totally a cover for her real job which was a high class call girl. no one knew that about her though and she was going to use her skills to her advantage. she
Posted by: kim | August 02, 2010 at 02:04 PM
just left the three of them standing there. She had a plane to catch, something about Italy....
Posted by: Mo | August 02, 2010 at 04:45 PM