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June 23, 2010


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okay, those were all funny, but the very last one made me totally LOL. Also, being sneaky about candy? WIN. love her. :-)


I love you.

If I don't say it often enough... just let it be known that I do.

Am laughing so so so much right now.

And wishing I could pull out a magnifying glass and or call men pussies :)


HAHAHAHA You have awesome kids! I especially love your 3yo!


Whenever I have to take an important call from home, I almost always head out to my truck and take the call via mobile, just to avoid random noises.

Every time I end up needing to take a call with a computer in front of me, my cat decides it's time to yowl up a storm. I feel your pain.


All of those made me laugh, I gotta say 4,3 and 1 were my favorites though. You have an AWESOME family.

Becky @TheRealBecks

OMG 9 and 10 were my favs. but really they're all funny. i don't get how people don't wanna have kids after gems like this!


okay, #4 made me laugh so hard i shot diet dr pepper out my nose. Totally worth it! I love your stories :) I look forward to reading your blog every afternoon. Thanks again for making my day!


These all made me laugh too. Thanks for sharing!


I guess as long as YOU'RE not having to use the magnifying glass to find the "wenis" it's all good.


OMG- I would have shot him or better yet, cut his head of with that chainsaw

Hope you got the deal!


Bwahahaha, that's so funny. It definitely cheered me up


Can your three year old come for a playdate? She sounds like FUN! & she WOULD have Boo Boo to play with...


ahahahaha you rock....your 3 yo and my 7 yo would be best sneaky candy bffs :) totally.

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