Wednesday when I got home from work I started to get intense cramps in my lower back. Also an achiness in my shoulders. I decided that maybe I was getting my period even though it wasn't really the right time for that type of present.
I went to bed early and slept, as always, like a log. I woke up in the morning relieved of back pain but instead, with terrible, terrible stomach cramps. I started to think "flu" but didn't have any other convincing symptoms. I called my doctor concerned that it could be appendicitis but the pain wasn't localized, it was throughout my entire lower abdomen. She called me back to say that she couldn't diagnose appendicitis in the office so I should drink fluids, get rest and if I felt worse go to the ER.
Around 8:30 I went to the ER. It was PACKED when I got there. The person beside me said she'd been waiting for 3.5 HOURS. OMG. I have never BEEN to an emergency room! I've heard nightmares but that was my first time. It was crazy. There was a group of 8-10 people huddled together in a corner alternately crying and laughing inappropriately. They were there awaiting word on a friend who had been in a car accident. It was sad.
There was a guy beside me who was BULLSHIT that his boss made him miss 2 hours of work to go to the ER JUST BECAUSE he'd lost vision in his right EYE.
There was a woman on my other side who had been there for 3 hours with chest pains. By the time they called her, she felt fine. She was pissed, but she FELT fine.
The man sitting across from me had recently had his hip replaced and the two pins holding it together had apparently popped - judging from his limping and obvious agony. I SAY obvious agony but when the ER had emptied and it was only he and I left, I was PRAYING to be called first. There, I said it. I'm generous in theory but not when 4 HOURS have passed.
And then, when they called him first I had a hissy fit. I went to the desk and said, "HOW MUCH LONGER? Can I just go home?"
They sent the nurse over to talk me down. "It's almost your turn," she told me.
I like to think that in those extreme survival situations - that I would be a survivor but the truth is that in that moment, if someone had offered me a flat surface and a package of saltines I would have drifted off to sleep not caring if I ever woke up. I hope I'm never in an extreme-cold situation. I hope that for a lot of reasons. Actually today was 100 degrees and I hope I'm never in an extreme-hot situation.
What we're learning here is that I'm a baby.
Anyway, I stuck it out in the Emergency Room and just when I thought I'd convinced the nurse to bring me a pack of crackers she came to tell me that it was shift change and that I was next. NO SHIT I was next, the waiting room was EMPTY.
And then, just when I thought it was safe, in walked Kim. Let me tell you about Kim. The first thing I noticed about her was that she looked like shit. That was par for the course in the ER. She also looked pretty pissed off.
She threw herself in a chair across from me. "At least it's empty." she said to me. I nodded, unwilling to tell her how long I'd been there and depress her. At this point it was 1AM.
"Have you been here long?" she asked. "Yes." I answered. She couldn't hear me or didn't notice the nodding so she moved over to sit beside me. "These people fuckin' suck." she told me. "I was here the other day and they made me sit here for 6 hours. They have no fucking idea what they're doing. I'm pissing blood." she offered. "This is the third time I've been here this week," she told me. "They keep saying it's a kidney infection and sending me home with antibiotics. It's NOT a kidney infection. They just want to throw drugs at you and get you out of here. The last time I was here they filled me up with morphine. I couldn't think straight. My friend brought me and he said I didn't even know his name!"
"Why are you here?" she asked, tossing HIPPA out the window. I told her.
"You need to tell those fucking people to just give you a bed. Do you want me to tell them?" she asked.
"Uh, no," I stammered. "They said just another minute."
"These people killed my brother. He died in this hospital." she told me. "They didn't do CPR on him. Even if he was brain dead, that should have been our decision, the family's decision to let him live like that."
At this point I'm nodding and thinking to myself that I would rather not know how terrible the staff was that I was about to trust with my health. It reminded me of the time when I was 23 and flying across the Atlantic beside a woman in her 30s with young children at home. We hit turbulence and she FREAKED. In my nerdy engineer way I tried to calm her down. "We probably won't crash," I said. "And even if we do, we'd be dead before it had a chance to hurt."
She screamed, "I DON'T WANT TO DIE."
That's pretty much what was going through my head as I was talking to Kim.
Thank Goodness the nurse called me right then and I was shown to a room with a warm cozy bed.
I saw the doctor a few minutes later who ordered a CT scan. I drank enough Barium suspension SHIT to give me a stomach ache on top of the one I already had and then I was wheeled down to the CT room by the nicest guy named Will.
It turned out that my insides looked like they should have and they sent me home with medicine for a Urinary Tract Infection which turned my pee the color of Orange Fanta. This gave the kids QUITE a kick until they found out that I wouldn't share my cranberry juice with them.
Now they keep asking me, very sincerely, with their eyes on the disappearing bottle of EXPENSIVE, STAINING RED JUICE that they are NEVER ALLOWED TO HAVE, "Are you feeling MUCH BETTER, mama?"
"Yes" I tell them. "But no, you can't have the juice." They are devastated. I have promised to buy them some next week when I go shopping - if they are very good.
As for poor Kim, sadly she skipped out of the emergency room when the nurse wasn't looking, right after they'd given her narcotics, 'for the pain.' I hope she's better.
Kit: This comment thrilled me to my bits! I'm so TRULY happy that my blog is helping other people have more sex. Really, that is TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME!
Read the other 19 comments on this post HERE:
On the post, Overheard:
Kit: Really, he wouldn't be concerned with you eating a whole one, just the part he offered until he was done. Of course, mentioning eating him would probably have me completely forgiven.
Kit: We have these conversations all the time with it usually leading to one or the other of us trying to prove to the other that we don't hate the other gender. Thus all the sex.
Read the other 11 Comments on this post HERE.
On the post, Genetics 101:
Kit: This reminds ME of the time I told my co-worker that my husband was a stay at home dad and that I had 2 sons (daughters had not yet arrived) and he looked at me and burst out laughing and said, "You're going to come home and they'll all be watching SportsCenter in their Underwear." Of course, it's totally happened regardless of the addition of two daughters! (my husband just wears Champion shorts.)
Read the other 5 Comments on this post HERE.
On the post, Ten Things that have made me Laugh Lately:
Kit: Oh sometimes it's fun to grab the magnifying glass and jump under the sheets to see what I can "find."
Kit: I love it when you people snarf. It's horribly wrong of my I know but I would rather GOOGLE Analytics tracked SNARFS than Page Views. It seems more telling. I'm evil like that.
Kit: She is unbelievable. She sashays and struts and can wither you with a look. She has that native confidence that people are SO jealous of and she's always had it. I wish I had half her confidence.
Read the other 12 Comments on this post HERE.
On the post, Writing Assignment:
A little aside here that I am terribly terrible about giving credit where credit is due when it comes to recognizing people who have inspired me - not because I don't WANT to but because I have a terrible, terrible memory for names and faces particularly during #wineparty. But I do have to say that two weeks ago during wineparty some more-sober-than-they-should-have-been folks started haiku-ing into the #wineparty stream and completely intimidating me because Haiku has always scared me. Usually it's because it's in japanese :) but mostly because the cleverest haiku-ers tend to go sideways with the final 7 syllables and then I'm all "Huh? Could you use more words and tell me what you're trying to say?" but, of course they don't.
Anyway, the haiku during #wineparty was very fun and very simple and it seemed like a perfect writing assignment! Apparently you agreed because we had massive audience participation.
Kit: You know what, you have to read them. If I picked the best ones I'd have to reprint them all.
Click here to read them yourselves. They're awesome.
So thank you again for all of the well wishes. More info on my health scare turned sitcom tomorrow - including why my pee is the color of Easter Egg Dye (or Orange Fanta, take your pick.)
Thank you again for the comment love. It makes my day, every time I get an email alert that someone has left a comment.
Thank you for the blog award nominations. Remember, vote as often as you'd like here and here. :)
Have a great week.