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June 17, 2010


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Today is Father's Day? But it's Thursday.... I'm confused


I would buy all of those presents. Except could you also make virtual reality stuff for the XBox? We are the only family in America that does not own the WII.

D H-Arza

I see alot of value in your ideas...esp the device that would give people small electric shock..


Regarding #1: Do you have any peri bottles from having kids? That works the same way, and you don't have to spend all the money. :o)

Jenn Collins

Okay, fess up: are you married to my husband?


You are effing awesome. #thatisall


There are many fart-related iPhone apps, and a lot of them are free. I know this because my oldest son has most of them on his iPod touch, whereas I just have 2 on my iPhone: Atomic Fart and Whoopie Cushion. :)


Great suggestions, all. But the only true need is number ten. Otherwise, how happy could any of the others make me? There is one simple want, though -- not on your list -- that is guaranteed to make any dad smile. I mean, of course, breakfast in bed. To be enjoyed right after that Father's Day blow job. OK, two simple wants.


I always think fart noises are funny too. even when i try to be mature about it, EVERY TIME the almost empty ketchup bottle makes that fart noise, I giggle. Ever damn time.

Secrets Kept

I think pretty much every house needs automatic toilet paper changer. We also have empty rolls everywhere. I hate when I sit down and do my thing and then realize no toilet paper, it's all in the other room, and the middle of the night.

Rebel Mel

Men always use so much toilet paper. Sometimes I wonder how the toilet hasn't clogged yet.

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