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May 03, 2010


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I think you're probably the sexiest convicted felon in the blogosphere. Your husband is a lucky lucky man :)


Convicted twitterer. <--- funny stuff. =0

Kristin Glasbergen

Great story! I'm sorry I missed the wine party, it was past my bedtime.

Deanna Hernandez-Arza

I would say it was worth it...convicted twitter felon... :)


Outrageous you ARE!!


I am actually dying right now due to the fact that as i was reading this i was snorting my coffee through my nose i was laughing so hard. Also, I LOVED the "its MY party" part. Gf doesn't tweet either, and she's always like "you don't even KNOW these people" when trying to force me away from the screen to clean the house or something BORING.
You're killing me.
And that's why I love you.

Amy Phillips

sorry, i don't associate with felons.

Fire Wife Katie

That's hilarious!! Never heard of twitter jail before.


i always get put in jail during the afternoon. dang it.
how did i miss your wine party? oh well, next time perhaps!

Dizzy Goddesski

I love it - and I loved the #wineparty!

Kristin Glasbergen

p.s. I shared the Honest Scrap award with you.


Sorry you got put in twitter jail, but it sounds as though it wasn't a totally unpleasant experience! I was going to participate in your #wineparty, but right when it started my DH began making advances. Great minds and all that...


Ewww! Twitter jail. Like a common SPAMMER. I don't know if your reputation can WITHSTAND it.

It's like I always never say, "It's important to know your limits" and also?

I hope you learned your lesson.

(Although, I think it's more like a twitter time out, but that doesn't really sound as good, does it?)


"The sex is good in jail."

Duh. Why do you think there are so many repeat offenders?




Hilarious. Can't wait to tell my husband! Then maybe he'll get off my back about Twitter. Or is it on my back?! Lol.


Awsome, simply awesome. More wine parties!


This is hilarious, I have never been put in "Twitter jail" so to speak, but my wifeys declare certain times "no Twitter" and "no iPhone" time, but in the end it's always worth it ;)

Why is everyone saying "sorry you got put in Twitter jail"? Sounds to me you quite enjoyed it :P


I think you need to start a Facebook group for Twitter felons. Even if Twitter felons are probably never on Facebook. Also, I love your vibe name.

Kiki V

Hawt. I think I'm starting to fall for you.

I'm sad I missed the #wineparty are you hosting another one soon? Mind if I skip the wine and go straight to the hard stuff? With how my weeks go I'll need to.


Megan (Best of Fates)

I didn't even know Twitter had a jail - but I'm glad you had such a great time!


101 tweets in 41 minutes. That's the kind of thing that made me have to unfollow you. Sorry. I still like your blog and read it all the time but I think I'm twitter retarded. I don't see how people can spend that much time on it.


Great piece. All I needed to know about twitter jail and more. I had no idea you were serious about the party. Next time I'll be there, and I'll risk the jail time.


Once again, I start reading...then I can't stop! You and your sexcapades...then tweeting like a fiend getting locked up in Twitter Jail..telling you "relax for a bit". the nerve!

I have yet to be in Twitter Jail...knock on wood. As much as I tweet, I'm shocked they haven't come actually physically knocked on my door and said "Cut the shit would ya! Stop fucking tweeting" haha.

Love your Blog...love your wit...love the whole shabang!


LMFAO! Dude I am so jealous. My husband has NEVER looked at me like I was bacon. More like a granola bar that he knows will be satisfying but might be a little hard to force down. LMAO


OH! I was wondering what the wine party was and now I understand!! I'll be joining in next week! Thanks for explaining...


This was hysterical! Loved it!


Ida Davidson

Again, I'm glad I stumbled across you last week. I thought I was the most inappropriate person on the planet until now ;) I'm no longer alone! ROCK


Hahaha. New. Favorite. Blogpost.


"So next time your love life feels limp, tweet 101 times in 34 minutes and see what sex is like in a 6'x8' cell."
Greatest sentence ever.


In that case lock me up and throw away the key.


Hilarious!! Twitter jail sounds fun.

Naked Girl in a Dress

I learned about Twitter jail and jail sex all in one post. Incredibly informative!

You are hilarious!


Hmmm. My husband hates Twitter with a passion because yeah I stay up and away from the bedroom... THIS may actually change his mind. You are a genius!


Well done KIT. Is twitter jail anything like OZ? Beware of the twitter shank...


LOL. This is hilarious and an excellent way to spend your Twitter Jail sentence.


You're quickly becoming my favorite person I've never met in the whole wide world.

City Mom

I love it! I have been enjoying #wineparty so much and am thankful you started it up. I had no idea there was such a story behind it. I'll have to try it sometime.

Todd 'tojosan' Jordan

Sooo. Now I'm thinking Twitter jail isn't such a bad thing after all. Been there more than most. Ha.

Go Go Go.


It's a shame you don't have a caravan containing only a bed, parked on your driveway. Doing it in there would have made it all the more authentic....or so I'm told...!


I dunno, twitter jail doesn't appeal to me! Although, I often get a message telling me that I've sent too many DM's. Obviously my alotted DM count is 1 per day. Heh.

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World

Well shoot - I never knew twitter jail allowed conjugal visits!

The Mayor

All I can say is "oh my"


I used to get sent to twitter jail when i hosted parties too, if you apply through twitter they will whitelist your account. I have no limit now :)


This cracked me up!

Lady Estrogen

I think I need to get me some of that ;) Awesome.


Gave you "The Heisman?" LOL! OMG! I can't wait to use that on The Mrs. when she asks me for something that I don't want to do. I'm throwing that hand up in that trophy pose! Nice!


twitter jail?? I've never even heard of that! too funny...

A Hootie Hoot

OMG, my husband and I are laughing so hard at the Heisman reference. I've always wondered what Twitter jail is and now I know. Not sure I could ever tweet fast enough to get thrown in, but, it might be worth a shot based on what I just read! : )


You freaking crack me up. How on earth can you tweet 101 times in 34 minutes?

dentist Geelong

Just hilarious!

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