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April 01, 2010


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Wait...what did you say? I'm too busy buying a vibrating egg. Which makes me think of Easter. Which then makes me think I am going to hell. Tomorrow.


umh an egg eh? I just got a blow fish. LOL you are hilarious! I gotta check out the egg on easter perhaps?


This isn't a joke, I once saw a vibrating egg that actually said on the packaging "discreet enough for use any time any place!!"

I guess if anyone enquired as to what that constant humming noise was you could just claim you were receiving a lot of text messages... or something...


Everyone's buying eggs. Including me! Thanks for the coupon. You're awesome.


totes using this coupon. thanks, lady! good tips, good tips.


Thank goodness! A coupon! AND a recommedation! Squeee!
I'm shopping....kthxbye


Coupon still worked for me in the wee hours this morning. After insurance the total was still <$15. I think that may get me off right there!

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