Thank you for having my son at your party yesterday. It must have been crazy having 20+ boys in your house in the middle of WINTER. You're so brave having ALL THOSE BOYS in ONE ROOM. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that my son was just diagnosed with STREP. He had a great time at your party before the FEVER and SORE throat started. I hope no one gets sick.
Mother of Strep Sammy
Dear Sammy's Mom,
Hey, thanks for letting me know. Sam did look a little sick yesterday but I thought he must just be tired since NO ONE in their RIGHT MIND would send a SICK CHILD to an INDOOR, WINTER BIRTHDAY PARTY!
No worries! I ONLY have FOUR kids. What are the odds that one of them will get this INSANELY CONTAGIOUS VIRUS THAT HAS RAVAGED THE SCHOOL FOR 3 MONTHS.
I sure do hope that Sam feels better and that no one else in your family gets sick and learns a valuable lesson in GERM THEORY!
omfg. When will people learn to keep their germy ass kid at home! WTF is wrong with people?!
Posted by: Natalie @ Hope Springs Eternal | April 07, 2010 at 08:46 AM
UGH!!! That would make me so mad. It always drives me nuts when mothers send their kids places and they are sick. He was probably under the weather already but she didn't want him to miss the party. One mom at my preschool sent her son in this year when the whole family had the stomach bug. I could've killed her. My son puked in the car the very next day.
Keeping my fingers crossed that your little ones don't get Strep!
LOVE your blog!
Posted by: The Mommyologist | April 07, 2010 at 09:35 AM
the stupid, it overfloweth
Posted by: furiousBall | April 07, 2010 at 09:39 AM
I hope you all manage to dodge the bacterial bullet - especially the shorties. I learned the first time our oldest had a high fever that the medical establishment is much more laissez faire about temperature than when I was a kid. Still, though, whenever one of the little ones hits 103, I freak the eff out. You, at least, have a win/win situation on your hands: either you remain well or you get another round of fever dreams and weight loss (with swimsuit season right around the corner.)
Posted by: AlexanderDope | April 07, 2010 at 10:06 AM
lmfao! Last Saturday we went to a bday party.... the little boy who played with my son started coughing before we left.
I discretely asked his mother if he was sick and she answered "yeah, he was very sick with an ear infection Monday and Tuesday, on wednesday he got pink eye, and thursday I finally had the chance to take him to the doctor... poor thing he is so sick"
WTF? why would you take your kid to a bday party if he is sick????
Her answer was "because we were very bored at home and I thought a little fresh air would be good" FML
Posted by: yakalita | April 07, 2010 at 10:14 AM
Lovely!! what an awesome mom!!i think id be taking out a hit on that mom if one of my 4 got strep knowing damn well the rest of us would more than likely get it!!
Posted by: Bree | April 07, 2010 at 12:16 PM
amazing isn't it? every winter you always get one of those extremely irresponsible parent that does that.
Posted by: mahmeeee | April 07, 2010 at 09:59 PM
The worst thing is that people send their sick kids to kindergarten and school too. Yes, I know people have to work... but you're effectively sending a little germ bomb to the school to wipe out the local population. Not fair.
Posted by: Bee | April 07, 2010 at 10:18 PM
Ugh .. so annoying! I hope that no one gets sick. I'm sure it would of been just to big of an inconvenience for everyone to keep the sick child at home.
Posted by: Tricia | April 07, 2010 at 10:30 PM
How the hell do you have time for Twitter with four kids? Do you sleep?
Posted by: Sarah P | April 07, 2010 at 10:47 PM
OMG! I would be flipping out! I cannot believe... oh, wait... Yes, I can. People are so freaking inconsiderate.
I hope everyone stays healthy.
Posted by: Jennifer @ three pugs & a baby | April 08, 2010 at 10:24 PM
One of the positives of having my son in a special ed preschool is that they are very conscious at school of keeping sick kids home. Some of the little ones are actually medically fragile and the families really seem to do a good job of keeping germs at home. Maybe you have to have seen your kid intubated before this kind of crap actually strikes brain?
Posted by: Rachel | May 24, 2010 at 10:40 PM