So we've had a lot of fun here during Married Sex week at Blogging Dangerously - some of us more than others if the comments are any indication. But one thing that I think we've all learned is that married or not, parenting or not, there's always time for sex - you just need to make time and be flexible.
Also, talking about it, thinking about it, READING about it, is inspirational. Do it.
Before we get into the comments (which were fantastic by the way) I'd like to clear something up. I started the week with a joke, "Why is the bride smiling." I said that the answer, "Because she knows she's given her last blowjob." was partly true. And I'm sorry, but it is. Now, I myself, am a big fan. IN THEORY.
The problem comes IN PRACTICE. Because I know that my husband is only good for ONE. Now this wasn't true BACK IN THE DAY, but since your overwhelming response to "MARRIED SEX WEEK" was "Isn't that an oxymoron?" I'm sure you understand that while we CAN make magic happen, making it happen MORE THAN ONCE A DAY is NEVER going to happen.
And for the most part I'm okay with that. Except when it comes to blow jobs. Because if I'm in the mood, I'm not feeling that generous. And if I'm NOT in the mood, I'm DEFINITELY not feeling that generous. So it happens, but I'm not going to lie to you, it probably doesn't happen as much as he'd like. I keep telling him to "train up" or find me an 18 year old pool boy to cover the second act but so far it hasn't happened - which is fine with me because even though he only gets ONE, if I'm quick I can squeeze in three or FOUR!
Before I jump into this week's comments I'd like to thank everyone who left one. There were over 50 comments this week, which is amazing. It seemed like every time I checked my email there was a new one. They really are the highlight of my day (and sometimes I think they're the highlight of this blog!) So THANKS! And I encourage everyone to go back and read the comments I don't have space to highlight below.
One last thing, next week's theme is Confessions so start thinking about all of those dirty little secrets that you've never shared with anyone and get ready to share them here, anonymously, of course, with all of us!
Here we go:
On the post Married Sex Week:
Wow, the same thing happened to me this weekend except the sex was so mind-blowing that I forgot my OWN name. And I was alone. And that's where we are: with a 4yo and 6yo, the bedroom is rarely the site of anything "mind-blowing". Or blowing.
The kids are like Jedi determined not to let any stirring in the "Force" go undisturbed. Actually, I guess that would make them more like Sith. If these terms are unfamiliar to you then you don't have a 6yo boy. And you're very lucky.
On the bright side, only 14 years till the youngest is off to college -- and that's the worst case. We're tutoring them twelve hours a day, trying to get them accepted at a decent university within the next two years. It's not looking good, though. Our little princess, the Shakespeare "scholar", pretends to confuse Richard II with Richard III while number one son acts like Special and General Relativity are the same thing. Selfish little ingrates.
signed, AlexanderDope
Kit: As the mother of two boys OBSESSED with Star Wars this comment made me laugh out loud. Particularly because of the number of times my love life was thwarted by an ill-timed light saber (empty paper towel holder) jab to my husband's package.
The best - and most married - part of that story is that he didn't care that you forgot his name. I love it.
signed, Jerseygirl
Kit: Agreed. Plus he's probably sick of me screaming his name - since there's usually a chore at the end of it.
Amen Sister. I think we are twins separated at birth...We always say...daddy is giving mommy a massage and you can't come in right now...My 13 yr old always rolls his eyes, thats getting kinda weird.
signed, LABeachMom
Kit: My daughters would want to come in and "help." Talk about weird!
Yep. Waiting on the married thing...Thanks for the incentive for that, folks!
signed, HexingThoughts
Kit: It's not as bad as it sounds. You have to get creative but you're so focused on 'getting it done' that the insecurities go out the window!
The males of any species are undeterred, no matter what the consequences, if the possibility of sex is an option. I'm not saying this is similar to the sexual dynamic in my house, but I'm not saying it isn't either.
signed, Mikemoore72
Kit: This is a fact.
On the post, Love in the Time of Children:
Married sex is test driving hubby new truck and taking advantage on getting it stuck in a mud hole we never should have been anywhere near. having my cell go off a million times while the 16 yr old frantically called to find out why our ride round the block was taking so long!!!
signed, Bree
Kit: All I can say is BRAVO!
I think my kids have some kind of Mom-&-Dad-are-having-sex radar. I swear the kids can be watching TV, playing outside, asleep whatever and we will not have heard a peep from them and as soon as we are in the middle of having sex, a kid knocks on the door.
signed, Superwomanguest
Kit: Is this same as on-the-phone radar? Because the US should develop that to find Osama Bin Laden. It is pinpoint accurate.
I thought sneaking around and trying to hid from my parents was tricky - then I had kids. Now I spend my nights having to sneak around from them too! Great post!
signed, Designher Momma
Kit: Thanks! It was much easier to hide from my mother - I could hear her coming. My kids have stealth technology.
We're so neurotic that we wait until they're asleep for at least an hour. After that many times we are sleeping to. Sigh.
signed, thenextmartha
Kit: Now you know why I spend so much time on Twitter - waiting for the kids to fall asleep!
On the post, My Brief (but Freaking Awesome) Career in the Sex Industry:
I'm guessing that Mr Craigslist had a fun time with your 'demos'. Come to think of it, what an easy way to get women sending you hot recorded chat for free? LMAO
signed, Ross
Kit: The funny thing is that this DIDN'T EVEN OCCUR to me until I read Ross's comment. I thought that the guy was just a sleazebag who wasn't paying me. I think it hurts more to think that he was a pervert. Thanks Ross.
Laughing. Snarfing. Snarfing coffee all over my damn self as I laugh my ass off! Oh god. This is too much!
signed, Rebekah
Kit: Awesome!
This might be the best post ever! I just found your blog and am loving it. Would it be too much to ask for Married Sex Month instead of Week?
signed, Apparently P
Kit: Let's just say that Married Sex week has been inspirational for me as well, so I think that my husband and I are both looking forward to a rest. :) Besides, who knows what fun CONFESSIONS will bring?!
On the post, Blog That!:
Heeheehee.... Your neighbour is probably just jealous. The only time I've been embarrassed by my own vocal exuberance was when I was dating a man who lived in an apartment and his landlord asked him to please ask his girlfriend to be "less religious". On the blogging front- my husband has never asked right after sex, but he has asked me if I blog about his prowess.... I haven't... yet...
signed, Pottymouthmommy
Kit: "Oh God" is a good suggestion, of course the last thing my husband needs is a Messiah complex. Maybe I'll just stick to, "yes, yes, yes." It seems to be working.
Yes, I have done that. Only my neighbor said, "I guess we know why you're always so chipper in the mornings, don't we?" and winked. He's like, 80 years old.
signed, Just Another Mother
Kit: That's the greatest story!
I had a similar neighbourly experience. Except it was Skypesex and the middle of the day. Air-conditioning really should take precedence over an open window in a time like this. Global warming is an issue - yes. But my blushing cheeks when seeing the neighbours the following day surely emitted far more heat than an ac system would!
signed, Bee
Kit: Next time turn the volume down and use a headset!
That wraps up another week! See you Monday! Feel free to stop by on Twitter and say "hi" @blogdangerously. If you tell me that you read my blog I'll add you to my FREAKING AWESOME PEOPLE list. High praise.
Now, you know I love your blog, right? I SAID RIGHT? But as newly single person (who's married sex life was Oh, so forgettable) I opted out of this week's theme. Doesn't mean the love for you has gone away, it hasn't. So there. And I'm not the least bit jealous...
at all...
not even a tiny bit...
{nervous laugh}
Posted by: Amy Phillips | April 16, 2010 at 08:29 AM
Thanks for another extremely entertaining week (and also for the Jedi/Sith shout out.) I hope you don't stress over the ill-gotten tapes. Although pamperin' cash is always nice, it sounds like they've already provided reward enough.
Posted by: AlexanderDope | April 16, 2010 at 02:08 PM
Is Married Sex Week going to be like an annual thing? Because it should be. This has been beyond fabulous.
Posted by: Jennifer @ three pugs & a baby | April 17, 2010 at 10:00 PM
As a bridge between married sex week and confessions week, I have a confession about married sex.
My husband and I don't have it.
So I have phone sex with my college boyfriend. Regularly.
Posted by: Walk of Shame | April 18, 2010 at 07:15 PM