A couple of the comments on yesterday's post reminded me of this story from approximately 20 years ago:
My grandmother called my mother and said, "I'm getting free underwear! Do you want some?"
My mother asked her, "Why are you getting free underwear?"
And my grandmother answered, "I don't know. Some guy called me on the phone and asked me what color underwear I was wearing so I told him, 'pink.' And then he asked me if I liked to wear red and black underwear and I said, 'OH SURE! but I really like pink and white' because I figured he must be from the underwear company and giving out free samples."
I get my "GULLIBLE" from her.
Before I go on, I'd like to ask a question of my blogging female readers. Have you ever had a particularly AMAZING sexual encounter with your significant other which he finishes by saying, "BLOG THAT!"
I always say, "OK!" And sometimes I think that he really thinks I'm going to.
And I guess this week I finally did.
Here's another one for you.
One night last summer my husband and I went to bed early - around 9 - because it was 100 degrees in the livingroom and we have A/C in our room and because I had plans for the following night.
So we get into bed and my husband rolls over to kiss me goodnight and we start making out and one thing leads to another and before you know it I'm screaming "OH GOD!" at the top of my lungs (yes, I'm THAT girl.) And it was really good.
But then when it's over he gets out of bed and I ask, "Where are you going?" and he says, "I'm going to put the A/C on." and I ask, "It's not on?" and he says, "No, the window's open."
And I COMPLETELY freak out because we live on a small cul-de-sac where EVERYONE leaves their windows open and EVERYONE goes for walks after they put the kids to bed.
And sure enough, the next night when I'm coming home from having dinner with some friends I bump into my neighbors going for a walk. And I ask, "Going for a walk?" and the wife says, "Yep. We go for a walk EVERY NIGHT at this time." (emphasis HERS)
I don't know who was blushing more, me or her husband. Then I died of embarassment and woke up the next day in my bed.
OMG That's awesome!
Posted by: Jennifer @ three pugs & a baby | April 15, 2010 at 08:33 AM
I had a similar neighbourly experience. Except it was Skypesex and the middle of the day. Air-conditioning really should take precedence over an open window in a time like this. Global warming is an issue - yes. But my blushing cheeks when seeing the neighbours the following day surely emitted far more heat than an ac system would!
Posted by: Bee | April 15, 2010 at 09:41 AM
Heeheehee.... Your neighbour is probably just jealous. The only time I've been embarrassed by my own vocal exuberance was when I was dating a man who lived in an apartment and his landlord asked him to please ask his girlfriend to be "less religious". On the blogging front- my husband has never asked right after sex, but he has asked me if I blog about his prowess.... I haven't... yet...
Posted by: PottyMouthMommy | April 15, 2010 at 11:38 AM
LMAO!!! And YES, the hubs likes to think that I will write a post about what a sex God he is. He is still waiting on that one... ;)
Posted by: Anne | April 15, 2010 at 12:11 PM
She was just jealous her husband cant do that to her. And for some reason i dont picture you being embarrassed, i picture you wanting to go home and have sex with your husband at that SAME TIME everynight just so you can embarrass your neighbors. :) haha!
Posted by: Alysha @ The Tarr Pit | April 15, 2010 at 03:07 PM
I'm not a blogger, but my husband has said to me "You gonna post THAT on Facebook?" And I have been tempted.
Also, we have a little game where we pretend that the neighbors have come over with their lawn chairs outside our open bedroom window. :)
Posted by: Marian | April 15, 2010 at 04:35 PM
Yes, I have done that. Only my neighbor said, "I guess we know why you're always so chipper in the mornings, don't we?" and winked. He's like, 80 years old.
Posted by: Just Another Mother | April 15, 2010 at 05:30 PM
I stood out in my front yard this evening and listened as my two girls (who were in the house and behind closed doors and windows) fought about a game of backgammon. I could hear every word. We're fairly new to the neighborhood, and I'm thinking we need some sort of muffling device. For the girls as well as for me.
Posted by: kris | April 15, 2010 at 11:49 PM
I've never thought to blog after my husband and I "made love"....wait! EW! Let's do a post on how if you want your marriage sex to stay hot hot hot you don't ever say MAKING LOVE (unless you want to be all romantic and make a baby or something)....anyway so no never thought to blog an encounter, but after our afternoon romp today (he's been gone 3 1/2 weeks!) I took a picture of him with some military style dog tags and no shirt because he looked so delish and said I was going to put it on my blog. Maybe that'll be my Silent Sunday this week.
But we have sex with the windows open all the time and I'm THAT girl as well and I love it! Kind of dangerous.
Posted by: Alex | April 16, 2010 at 12:10 AM
First, hubby always makes sure the window is shut - I don't care if everybody hears, I mean, damn...they probably wish they were getting it so good. But, it's his thing. Whatever.
BUT - this totally reminded me of our first apartment. We moved in just a couple weeks before we got married; prior to that, we were living with the inlaws where we were very aware of our volume (obviously, this is before I figured out that the MIL used to be a freak). A few weeks later, we had a note from the apartment managers that our "love bed squeaks", and that our downstairs neighbor didn't appreciate our "amorous activities all night." (We totally still have that letter). We, of course saw the apartment manager and she found it very amusing and explained the our downstairs neighbor was an elderly gentleman, and at his request, they were relocating him to another unit - even though we tried to make life easier on him. We even took the bed off the frame (it broke one night, anyway). So yea. Good times.
Posted by: Badasian | April 16, 2010 at 05:45 AM
Hahahahahaha! I love the underwear story and the neighbors one! Luckily my neighbor chooses to not wear underwear while gardening in a skirt, so the embarrassment is all on her :)
Oh and she's like, 60. Barf.
Posted by: Alissa | April 17, 2010 at 01:56 PM
This was great! The underwear story about your Grandma was too funny!
Posted by: Stacey | April 17, 2010 at 10:43 PM
It happens to the best of us. I lost my virginity in front of an open window, at night, with the shades up and the lights on, so I feel ya.
Posted by: Corrin | April 18, 2010 at 07:56 PM
When I was a kid, I used to feel really sorry for my mom who I thought had seriously weird nightmares, during which she made a lot of noise but didn't sound particularly upset. But loud. Egad, so freaking LOUD!
Somewhere around 10 or 11, I figured it out and was mortified. Now? So jealous that she didn't worry about who heard her. Can I seriously be saying that I wish I was as sexually uninhibited as my MOM? Yes, I think I am.
Excuse me. Have to go do something. Shower, maybe.
Posted by: Adrienne | April 18, 2010 at 11:25 PM